Leadership Development

Using skills-based training and peer mentoring support, I offer leadership training to support and elevate executives within organizations. I teach and coach leaders using a combination of training, discussions, and strengths-based coaching. These group sessions are designed to provide both management tools and effective practices such as mindfulness, storytelling, and emotional intelligence to build a leader’s capacity to lead with compassion, courage and conviction.

Customized Training & Support

Leadership development programs are customized and designed for the leaders within your organization. These trainings allow participants the container to articulate their leadership stories and own them, learn skills that will help them become better leaders, and explore and solve their work challenges. Group coaching sessions are delivered as weekly or bi-weekly classes, intended to build the capacity and confidence of mid and upper-level managers so they can effectively lead their teams.

Using a combination of teaching, facilitating, and coaching, this 10-week long program covers topics such as:

  • Authentic leadership and your story

  • Mindfulness practice for greater awareness

  • Investigating and rewiring your negative thoughts

  • Emotional intelligence for leaders

  • Developing executive presence

  • Storytelling that invites and inspires

  • Cultivating creativity and inspiring it in others

  • Harnessing the power of diversity in teams

  • Identifying your team’s values and purpose

  • Creating a personal leadership mission

Each session will include teaching, moderated discussion as well as ‘hot seat’ coaching opportunities for participants.

In addition to executive leadership training, I also facilitate affinity group trainings, designed specifically for women and BIPOC leaders. These trainings give leaders the tools, resources and practices necessary to become authentic leaders. Group sessions also provides a container for women and BIPOC leaders to discuss the unique challenges and issues they face as they navigate the organization and build their careers.

An Experienced Guide

I have spent 30 years working with and for a variety of different organizations - from Fortune 500 and small companies, from CPG companies to agencies, from for-profits to non-profits. I have extensive experience moderating and facilitating groups, whether it is to develop creative ideas, or to guide groups to insights or collective action. I’ve also been teaching for over a decade, whether it’s been through guest lectures or training sessions at universities, companies, and non-profit organizations. Drawing on my teaching, facilitation, and coaching skills, I know how to engage a group, lead discussions, and inspire positive action.

Contact me to see how I can help you reach your organization’s leadership development goals.